文献类型: 期刊论文
责任者: 霍勇
出版发行时间: 2008-10-27
来源数据库: 知网-中国学术期刊全文数据库 / 万方-数字化期刊
所有责任者 : 霍勇
标识号 : ISSN : 1004-8812 CN : 11-3155/R 
关键词 : Partner支架  血管成形术  经皮冠状动脉  经腔  治疗结果
语种 : Chinese 汉语
分类 : 中图分类 : R541.4 
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目的评价国产Partner冠状动脉支架治疗冠心病的安全性和疗效。方法回顾性分析在21个心脏中心置入Partner冠状动脉支架的1 352例冠心病患者,观察术后1年内心源性死亡、心肌梗死、靶血管重建率、主要不良心脏事件(MACE)和支架内血栓形成发生率。结果1 352位患者共1 869处病变置入Partner支架。其中,糖尿病患者占23.3,急性冠状动脉综合征的患者占90.49,C型病变占30.98,分叉病变占11.13,慢性完全闭塞病变占7.81;靶病变血管平均长度21.99±10.57 mm,病变平均狭窄程度88.18±10.93,参考血管直径3.17±1.81 mm,病变最大扩张压力13.77±3.01 atm;使用球囊预扩张的病变占78.12,球囊后扩张的病变占25.79。随访结果显示:12个月累积心源性死亡0.52,心肌梗死0.96,靶血管重建2.14,MACE3.62,数据均在可接受范围内。患者1年累积血栓发生率(0.66)与其他研究结果类似。结论1年的随访结果表明,国产Partner冠状动脉支架的安全性和有效性良好。
[Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of domestic sirolimus-eluting Partner coronary stent in treating coronary artery disease.Methods The 12-month follow-up results of Partner coronary stent implantation in 1 352 coronary heart disease(CHD) patients from 21 medical centers were retrospectively analyzed.The primary endpoint was event rate of cardiac death,myocardial infarction(MI),target vessel revascularization(TVR),major adverse cardiac event(MACE) and stent thrombosis.Results Implantation of 1 869 Partner coronary stents was successfully performed in 1 352 CHD patients.Diabetes patients were 23.3;patients with acute coronary syndrome were 90.49;type C lesions were 30.98;bifurcation lesions were 11.13 and chronic total occlusion(CTO) lesions were 7.81.The average length of target lesions was 21.99±10.57 mm;average stenosis rate was 88.18±10.93 and the reference vessel diameter was 3.17±1.81 mm.The maximum dilation pressure was 13.77±3.01 atm.Pre-dilation was performed in 78.12 of the lesions while post-dilation was performed in 25.79 of the lesions.Follow-up results showed that12-month cumulative cardiac death rate was 0.52 and the insidence of MI,TVR and MACE was 0.96,2.14 and 3.62 respectively.Cumulative thrombosis rate was 0.66 and was comparable to the results in other studies.Conclusion Domestic sirolimus-eluting Partner coronary stent can be safely implanted in severe CHD patients with ideal outcomes.]
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