文献类型: 期刊论文
作者: 陆挺
出版发行时间: 2005-08-18
来源数据库: 知网-中国学术期刊全文数据库
作者 : 陆挺
标识号 : ISSN : 1002-8390 CN : 11-1057/F 
作者机构 : 伯克利加州大学经济学系
分类号 : 中图分类 : F091.3 
引文 : 卢周来,20001《腐败的经济学分析》,《天涯》,第3期。 樊纲,1996:《腐败的经济学原理》,《经济学消息报》3月22 日。 樊纲,1999:《骗出一套新体制》,《走进风险的世界》,广东经 济出版社。 张曙光,1995:《腐败与贿赂的经济学分析》,《中国经济学: 1994》,上海人民出版社。 张曙光,1999:《腐败问题的再思考》,《繁荣的必由之路》,广 东经济出版社。 张维迎,1995:《治表性反腐败要适度》,《经济学消息报》,12 月8日。 张维迎,1997:《有些腐败的存在,不是最好的也属次优》,《中 国经济大论战》,经济管理出版社。 张五常,1997:《以资产换特权,促进私有化》,《中国经济大论 战》,经济管理出版社。 Banerjee, A.V., 1997, "A Theory of Misgovemance", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112:1289 - 332. Bardhsn, P., 1997, "Corruption and Development: Review of Issues" , Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 35(Sept.): 1320 -46. Bardhan, P., S.Bowles & H.Gintis, 2000, "Wealth Inequality, Wealth Constraints, and Economic Performance", in A.Atkinson & F.Bourguignon (eds.). Handbook of Income Distribution, Elsevier, Amsterdam. Boyko, M., A.Shleifer & R.Vishny, 1995, Privatizing Russia. Cambridge MA: MIT Press. De Soto, H., 1989, The Other Path, New York: Harper and Row. Huntington, S.P., 1968, "Political Order in Changing Societies", New Haven: Yale University Press. Engerman, S. & K.L.Sokoloff, 2002, "Factor Endowments, Inequality, and Paths of Development Among New World E-conomies",' National Bureau of Economic Research: Working Paper 9259 (Oct.) Jain, A.K., 1998, "Corruption: Quantitative Estimates", in Economics of Corruption, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Kaufmann, D., 1998, "Research on Corruption: Critical Empirical Issues", in Economics of Corruption, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Kaufmann, D. & Shang-Jin Wei, 1999, "Does 'Grease Money' Speed Up The Wheels of Commerce?" NBER Working Paper 7093. Key, V.O. Jr., 1949, Southern Politics in State and Nation. New York: Vintage Books. Leff, N.H., 1964, "Economic Development through Bureaucratic Corruption", The American Behavior Scientist 8 ( Nov. ) : 8 - 14. Lui, F., 1985, "An Equilibrium Queuing Model of Bribery", Journal of Political Economy 93 (Aug.): 760 - 81. Mauro, P., 1995, "Corruption and Growth", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 110:681 - 712. Mauro, P., 1997, "The Effects of Corruption on Growth, Investment, and Government Expenditure: A Cross - Country Analysis", in K.A.Elliott (ed.), Corruption and the Global Economy, Washington B.C.: Institute for International Economics, pp. 83 -107. Merton, R.K., 1957, Social Theory and Social Structures, New York: Free Press. Myrdal, G., 1968, Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations, New York: Pantheon Books. Rose- Ackerman, S., 1975, "The Economics of Corruption", Journal of Public Economics, 4(Feb). Rajan, R.G. & L.Zingales, 2003, Saving Capitalism from Capitalists, Crown Business, New York. Shleifer, A. &R.W.Vishny, 1993, "Corruption", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 108:599 - 617. Shleifer, A. & R.W.Vishny, 1994, "Politicians and Firms", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Nov. Tanzi, V. &H.Davoodi, 1998, "Roads to Nowhere: How Corruption in Public Investment Hurts Growth , Economic Issues, 12. Washington, D. C.: International Monetary Fund.
来源 : 经济学动态, Economic Perspectives,2005,08
刊名 : 经济学动态  Economic Perspectives
年 : 2005
期 : 08
页 : 80-85
页数 : 6
印刷页码 : 78-83
更新日期 : 2011-03-24
<正>自改革开放以来,腐败一直是我国政府、学者和公众关心的热点,我国许多经济学家也在不同时间以不同方式讨论过腐败。而被称为"精英经济学家" 的一些学者在研究腐败方面有一个"坏名声",如提出诸如"腐败是改革的润滑剂"、"腐败是次优选择" 等对腐败有利的观点,在许多人看来这似乎是站在腐败者和特权阶层一边,为腐败做辩护,从而受到号