文献类型: 期刊论文
作者: 霍勇等
出版发行时间: 1993-08-29
来源数据库: 知网-中国学术期刊全文数据库
作者 : 霍勇  汪丽蕙  刘新军  杨非易  杜国光  葛韵琴
文章题名 : 英文篇名 : The Combination Usage Monoclonal Antibody and Antiserum in Determination of Serum Cardiac Myosin Light Chains 
标识号 : ISSN : 1007-7626 CN : 11-3870/Q 
中文关键词 : McAb;抗血清;CMLC;ELISA
英文关键词 : Monoclonal antibody; Antiserum; Cardiac myosin light chains; Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
作者机构 : 北京医科大学第一医院心内科,北京医科大学第一医院心内科,北京医科大学生物化学教研室,北京医科大学生物化学教研室,北京医科大学生物化学教研室,北京医科大学生物化学教研室 北京 100034 ,北京 100034 ,北京 100083 ,北京 100083 ,北京 100083 ,北京 100083
引文 : 1 Knight PJ, Trinick JA. Methods in Enzymology, 85 Part B, New York: Academic Press, 1982, 8 2 刘新军等.生理科学,1989,9:238 3 杜国光等.生物化学杂志,1989,5:555 4 O'sullivan MJ, Marks V. Methods in Enzymology, 73 Part B, New York,Academic Press, 1981, 147 5 Katus HA, et al. Am J Cardiol, 1984, 54: 964 6 Katus HA, et al. Cardiovasc Res, 1988, 22: 456 7 邱刚等.中华微生物和免疫学杂志,1987,7:1 8 Ehrlich PH, et al. J Immunol, 1982, 128: 2709 9 Katus HA, et al. Mol Immunol, 1982, 19: 451 10 Ho Yong, et al. Chin Med Sci J, 1991, 6 Suppl:49 11 Burden RH, et al. Laboratory Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 13, Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984, 1]
来源 : 生物化学杂志,1993,04
刊名 : 生物化学杂志
年 : 1993
期 : 04
页 : 72-77
页数 : 6
印刷页码 : 454-459
[An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for serum cardiac myosin light chains (CMLC), employing both monoclonal antibody (McAb) and antiserum, has been developed. After the different pairs of McAb and antiserum were compared and optimal antibodies and their working dilutions were determined, the protocol of the MP-ELISA was finally set: McAb 1C11-D7 (30 μg/mL) as the coating antibody, antiserum (1: 200) as the successive antibody and goat-anti-rabbit IgC labeled with alkaline phoaphatase (1: 800) as the third antibody. With the combination of McAb and antiserum, the assay demonstrated high specificity and sensitivity with minimum measurable concentration of 2.5ng/mL and enjoyed important clinical feasibility.]